Except for the (almost) completion of a little Turtle Buddy for Nealla Rose. She ended up being quite a little learning project. Everything was sewn up twice, I think, due to my own thickness. Next time, it should go twice as fast and be a little stronger. This one is entirely hand-sewn. I'm happy to sew one up once in a while just as practice for the hand-stitching. At this point in my life I'm finally able to find some peace in a needle. Course my fingers are still filled with little scratches from jamming the needle into them. I had to laugh. With everything I did this weekend, I have tons of little scratches, burns, and cuts on my poor hands and fingers. The things we go through! Anyway, I'm anxious to sew on the little turtle eyes and mark this one as completed. In my usual impatience, I am posting a photo now of the little turtle. I'll re-post with eyes later. : )
In other news, here's the update on the list I posted Friday.
need to get some non-iodized salt for dyeingscrub tub for test dyeing- cut linen for curtains
- test dye!!!
attempt Irish Brown Bread to accompany DB's batch of Irish Beef Stew- finish baby blanket (um, yeah it's just a little bit that's left)
sew up turtle buddy!!- iron skirt linen, cut and mark for skirt
Overall, I'm fairly happy. I also made some pretty fantastic cupcakes (anything with 3 cups of sugar, 2 sticks of butter, and 16 oz. of cream cheese is pretty much guaranteed to be friggin

Have a fabulous Monday!
Rachel S.
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