I can't believe it's been August since I last posted. It blows my mind to think how fast the rest of 2009 went. Nothing in particular ate up the time but the idea of saying goodbye to a close friend left me in a mood to avoid all things for a bit. Alas, the beautiful Nealla Rose and her lovely, wonderful mom left for Ireland just before Christmas. It makes my heart ache so I'm focusing on their first care-package from their second home.
Since I've lost all momentum, I'll just show a quick recap of some projects.

- fit my Uniquely You dress form
- make some toy society drops (1 every other month)
- conquer the underlining anxiety
- incorporate my serger into my sewing
Sewing - Related
- Personal
- Exercise 4-5 times per week
- Keep up with friends
- Eat a more healthy diet (more water, less sugar, nutrionally balanced, less processed)
There, that was short & sweet.
So, just before Thanksgiving I made another drunk purchase. This time it was a used New Home / Janome serger. I had been looking but my intention was to wait until late 2010. I don't really have time to learn a new machine. I clicked the "buy it now" button, though, so it's mine now. So far, I've just cleaned and threaded it. The tension discs may need adjusting but I think it will work out fine for my purposes. I'll try to get to it later this month. Pretty cute, though. I threw in a picture above.
Coming soon is a coveted prize. My mom has decided to get rid of her sewing machine and I'm really happy she asked me if I wanted it first. It's a behomoth - a Consew Industrial. The story goes that Mom went with my Grandpa just before I was born and picked this machine out. It arrived the day I was born. Almost every piece of clothing I wore until 8 was created on that machine. When I was little, the lightening fast needle scared me. It didn't take much encouragement to get me to stay clear. Mostly, I remember climbing around underneath it. In high school, I attempted a costume for a homecoming float but other than that, I don't remember sewing on it. When I married, Mom created the most beautiful wedding dress with it. Last week she told me that was last thing she made on it. That was over 15 years ago and I am no longer married. And, now, it's coming to live with me. I am so pleased. Maybe, I will one day make another wedding dress for me using it. I'll see if I can dig up some photos of me and the machine for next time.
Happy New Year!
Rachel S.
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