The real reason I wanted to go Friday night, though, was to get my tickets to the upcoming King Tut exhibit! Got tickets for my birthday in August. Double-wootness! I was able to visit Egypt in 2006 for a really short week but, of course, King Tut’s things were not there; they were visiting some other country. Needless to say, I am excited.
I ended up doing a little more crochet work than sewing work this weekend but am happy with my progress. My BWOF skirt is still in the same state. I’m thinking that it will be done by the next post because I’m tired of making excuses for it! (I was right about the blogging holding me a little more accountable.) Managed to finish marking my muslin for BWOF 11/08 pants 105 with galloons and also was able to cut and mark BWOF 10/08 top 114. Both require different thread then the black needed for the skirt so I’m telling myself I have to sit at the machine and attach my skirt lining before moving on. lol The baby blanket is really coming along. I hope to have that finished by the end of this week. Baby is due in two – hooray!!
One little wrinkle to the weekend was that my computer decided to start acting up. It's been showing signs of difficulty but I kept putting off the final backup. Now I'm praying that I'll be able to bring it up for a last memory dump before it goes past the point of no return. I don't even want to think about what I haven't yet backed up...Wish me luck!
Rachel S.
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