Oooh, it's gorgeous here. Well, it's mixed. We have a wonderfully, sunny gorgeous day and then a rainy, gloomy one. My moods have been riding the same wave so I've been hit and miss on my projects. I do just have the hem of the skirt (that just won't finish already!) but I am putting it off because I'm unhappy with the fit of the hips. It's just too big and I haven't the hea
rt to rip everything out. It will get by and I know just how to make the next one work (I think). So I'm still dawdling on that one.
Not that I didn't move on (bad form, I know) to sewing something e

lse. I sewed enough of the pants muslin that I'm pretty sure the fit is what I want. I cut for my hips (which meant the waist might be too small) and took quite a bit an inch or so (can't remember exactly now as it was a couple of weeks ago) both above and below the knee (to petite it). I was surprised to find that it seems to fit well and I won't need to let out the darts in the waist after all. Since I haven't done proper pants before (just jammy bottoms) I've decided to complete the rest of the pattern on the muslin before cutting into my nice pinstripe. I'll try to get a photo or two of the above up later.
Just got back from camping (to be read car camping) in the Santa Cruz Mountains. It was so beautiful. I tried to sprinkle some throughout the post but it probably just seems weird until this part. : )

Until next time!
Rachel S.
Oh gosh, there is SO much I could say about BSG ending...but I've refrained because Julia hasn't caught up on S4 yet. I didn't want to spoil it for her. Have you watched?
I have loved this one. What a fantastic job - character development, overall story and plot (as well as the sub-plots), and acting were all soo great. Starbuck is my hero (along with Elaine from Seinfeld). Right now, I'm still digesting though. I always do that with the end of a series I've really enjoyed. Don't even get me started on Farscape! :)
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