Friday, August 21, 2009
Cute Baby Post
Saturday, August 8, 2009
The Guts of the Matter

Now, back to buttonholes...
Rachel S.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
A Month of Wonky
First, Wonky Curtains.

I'm getting to the wonky part, I promise.
Since I used so much fabric and we still had need of curtains, I decided to move forward with

Happy Saturday! (And goodbye Wonky July!)
Sunday, June 28, 2009
BWOF 06-2006-124 - Test Muslin #1

Currently, I have BWOF 11-2008-125 cut and ready to sew up in a wonderful bamboo interlock. Now I'm concerned because I cut it the same day as the muslin above and it's (of course) a 36. Pretty sure this isn't going to fit. I'm going to sew it with 1/4" seam allowances and try to keep in mind that it will likely
Ok, well I better go try to sew the raglan shirt up. Hope the weekend was great!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Little Treasures
I have been away from the world of sewing blogs in a big way the past few months - work was seriously draining me. This weekend left me feeling rejuvenated and motivated though. It's not like I haven't been working on a few things. Just haven't had much opportunity to be online. Without further delay, here's the catch-up.

Completed BWOF top 113 from the November 2008 edition. I haven't had time to post a pattern review yet. Lots of others have made this as well. It's simple, easy and not a bad look (for a bag shirt). I used French seams throughout (a first for me) and am pretty happy with it overall. At the end, I had a bad moment and decided to bind the hem with bias tape that was way too heavy. Now it waves out too stiff for my tastes but I intend to rip and re-hem without the tape. What was I thinking?! Hair disclaimer: apologies, DB told me it looked fine and I was too tired to double check. It's not usually so lopsided.

Happy summer! Happy sewing!
Rachel S.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
My Camera is Having More Fun Than Me Right Now
- Tried another test dye - this time using "Olive Green." While it's a lovely color dye, it came out like 500 times darker than the little fabric sample at the store. Maybe it's becausemy tap water comes out very, VERY hot and the higher temperature yields a brighter dye? What I'm going for now is a very light, hint o' green - I'm thinking celery. Anyway, I'm done testing. Tonight (or maybe tomorrow) I'm just going to dye the batch for the curtains and put a quarter of the dye I used in the test. I think this will be light enough...maybe I'll use an 1/8. I'd rather go lighter.
- DB helped with prepping the linen last night and commented that he'd like a shirt out of it. Wonder if I could get that good by Christmas..maybe I should start thinking about that now and even take a classto prep for it..hmm.
- Still have to add an eye to the turtle and finish the last couple of inches on the blanket *big sigh*.
- Had a wardrobe meltdown the other day and decided to suspend all sewing activity on anything other than quick tops and skirts for a bit. (Of course, the curtains are an are the throw pillows that go with them.) So, I have two tops cut and hope to get them sewed up this weekend. Nothing special but they are much needed.
- Did I mention that my job is stinky right now? *big sigh*
Hope to have results and more fun things to write about and show soon!
Take care!
Rachel S.
Monday, April 20, 2009
A Look To Dye For!
Awhile back I had the opportunity to purchase some nice linen - like a lot of nice linen. I thought I could use it for around the house - pillows, embroidery, window coverings and such - and maybe a dress or blouse. Since I'm dyeing linen for curtains and clothes, I wanted to use something that had staying power against washings and sunlight. Did some reading on the web and decided on Dharma Fiber Reactive Procion Dyes from Dharma Trading (but of course). Everything I needed was there (plus more) and shipping was minimal and fast. Since we don't own a washing machine, I had to tub dye. A friend lent me an old washtub she had and it turned out to be perfect for a half-pound load or so (DB purchased a Rubbermaid trash can for the bigger jobs). For the test, I u
sed Orchid. I was hoping it would work in the living room but no such luck. Such a beautiful color though! I also have some Azure Blue and Carmine Red. This is going to be fun! Below is a photo of the finished product. I think it turned out beautiful. No streaking or freckling with a consistent overall color. Poifect! Couldn't have been more pleased. I used soda ash to set the dye as well as a detergent that's supposed to assist. In addition to that, I used a dye fixative in the final rinse. I am happy to say that this fabric no longer bleeds. I'm really comfortable washing it with other items now. How cool is that?! This was a really fun project and I'm anxious to find the right color for the curtains. These will have to be dyed after they're made but I think it will work fine all the same.
I'm told the bamboo interlock I ordered (and that's dyeable) is shipping this week! Whoo hoo! I'm thinking I want to try some of that red..
Rachel S.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Quick Update
Except for the (almost) completion of a little Turtle Buddy for Nealla Rose. She ended up being quite a little learning project. Everything was sewn up twice, I think, due to my own thickness. Next time, it should go twice as fast and be a little stronger. This one is entirely hand-sewn. I'm happy to sew one up once in a while just as practice for the hand-stitching. At this point in my life I'm finally able to find some peace in a needle. Course my fingers are still filled with little scratches from jamming the needle into them. I had to laugh. With everything I did this weekend, I have tons of little scratches, burns, and cuts on my poor hands and fingers. The things we go through! Anyway, I'm anxious to sew on the little turtle eyes and mark this one as completed. In my usual impatience, I am posting a photo now of the little turtle. I'll re-post with eyes later. : )
In other news, here's the update on the list I posted Friday.
need to get some non-iodized salt for dyeingscrub tub for test dyeing- cut linen for curtains
- test dye!!!
attempt Irish Brown Bread to accompany DB's batch of Irish Beef Stew- finish baby blanket (um, yeah it's just a little bit that's left)
sew up turtle buddy!!- iron skirt linen, cut and mark for skirt
Overall, I'm fairly happy. I also made some pretty fantastic cupcakes (anything with 3 cups of sugar, 2 sticks of butter, and 16 oz. of cream cheese is pretty much guaranteed to be friggin

Have a fabulous Monday!
Rachel S.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Lots of Good Things
I have found heaven and it's in a little three lane, heated pool in San Francisco. The pool I'd been shlepping to previously took 30 minutes to get to (I'm a public tranport gal), was inside, and recently stalked by an annoying woman who seemingly waited in the hot tub for me to come swim in a free lane. Seriously, the same woman every time bogarts the only available lane! And every time I went - no matter the schedule. You'd think she'd have prunes for appendages. La-la-la-la she's no longer my problem now! The new club might have a smaller pool but you have to RESERVE the lanes. :-P~~~~~~~~~~~ So that was a long way of saying I'm off swim and then it's any one of a number of things.
* need to get some non-iodized salt for dyeing
* scrub tub for test dyeing
* cut linen for curtains
* test dye!!!
* attempt Irish Brown Bread to accompany DB's batch of Irish Beef Stew
* finish baby blanket (um, yeah it's just a little bit that's left)
* sew up turtle buddy!!
* iron skirt linen, cut and mark for skirt
Updates later this weekend. Here's a few photos. On top (or left), DB and his childhood BFF who is visiting in the area. Below (or right), partial installation of the knobs in the kitchen (& a canine profile). Both make me grin. Underneath is a shot of my skirt alterations (2" through hips). More on that later.
Have a fantastic weekend!
Rachel S.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Petite All Over (not just in my lower legs, it turns out)
Most important: Making petite adjustments to a skirt and cutting extra off the bottom of the hem are NOT the same thing, Rach! Ok so I knew this and had actually had a thought about it in the beginning. In fact, I did that (took up my fabric length above and below the knee) with my current pants muslin. Why, oh why I didn't think of it for this I don't know. This has definitely shown me (con-clusively) how important it is to shorten a pattern correctly. Lopping off the bottom doesn't really do it unless your short-legged.
Second most important: It goes a long way if I work to keep the momentum on my project going. I need to stab myself with a pin everytime I put down a project because I come to an intimidating part. Better for me to jump in and attempt it (if I'm not too tired) then to set it down and take a chance on leaving it for a length of time. If I'd got to the hem a couple of months ago I'd only have a two-month wadder instead of a 3 monther. I think I'd be less bothered somehow - and a little less bummed with myself.
Also learned to sew in a lining and not to underestimate how time consuming or tedious that can be - serenity now.
And I proved to myself that I can produce a decent invisible zip.
I'm trying to be positive about this - can you tell?
Tonight, I'm altering the pattern, retracing, and cutting into the brown. Have to wait for the lining I ordered to come in but I'm going to see if I can't have this puppy finished by next week!
Rachel S.
Monday, March 30, 2009
I am Thick in really dense. At least sometimes. Here's why I am this time.. I sewed the lining into my skirt (who knew it would take that long to sew it to the zipper tape - geez) and then did the topstitching of the waistband. I was really pleased. It's too big through the hips by a size but it went together nicely and since I don't like tight things I was ok with it. Went to hem it and saw my big error. Big, dumb, thoughtless error. Grrr! I'm 5'1 and I should have taken the skirt up (turns out about 2 inches) all across the hips and thigh area. The cute things about this pencil skirt are the two pleats in the back _bottom_ and the slit in the front. If I want to keep the design features, the skirt will be too long to wear (somewhere around mid-calf - blech). If I hem it to mid-knee (my preference) then I'll have to lose the darts and deal with a freakishly short slit in front.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Hit by Spring
Not that I didn't move on (bad form, I know) to sewing something e
Just got back from camping (to be read car camping) in the Santa Cruz Mountains. It was so beautiful. I tried to sprinkle some throughout the post but it probably just seems weird until this part. : )
Until next time!
Rachel S.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Palette for My Kitchen
Stitched this up on Saturday for something different to do. I've been waiting on a huge shipment of linen for the bazillion projects running around in my head. How cool is this monogram? Think it should be filled in? I found it in one of my japanese stitch books. No other letters were available. lol - guess DB is out of luck. It's just as well. While he did appreciate my uniform stitches the background did not impress. "Too busy." What do you think? It so happens that the two blues in the flannel are a great match for the two different blues in our kitchen and I was planning to accent with white and red so - voila!
There it is.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Avoid!! Resist!!
..buying a huge lot of zippers off of eBay to practice making zipper pouches. Best thing to do would be to wait until I use the last of the most recent bulk purchase. But those are so nice (such a fantastic deal that was!)...
..the urge to begin a quilt. I don't know how to do this and my garment sewing isn't yet where I want it to be. There are a gazillion items I want to (read NEED to) make. But Oh, Fransson! is just beginning a Quilt Along and I've been admiring her creations for awhile now. Her quilts are darling!
..the urge to avoid swimming so I can get in more craft time. This excuse is a topper, isn't it? Quite proud actually. ..Maybe I'll begin this one tomorrow...
..purchasing any more items from the Fabric Co-op for at least 2 months (I blame Dawn who blames Kristine and so on and so on). Unless they get some of that awesome looking striped wool jersey I saw earlier...

..most definitely avoid imbibing (alcohol) in the evening and going online fabric shopping. I simply cannot resist Bunte Fabrics after a glass of wine. I think it's because I love the quality of everything they sell over there but deem it to be more than I "should" spend. hehe I am in love with this new (to me) jersey from my last *ahem* purchase. I see some cute nighties coming my way! But to return to topic, no more inebriated online shopping!!!
Halfway to the weekend! Whoo hoo!
Rachel S.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Museum Visiting..

The real reason I wanted to go Friday night, though, was to get my tickets to the upcoming King Tut exhibit! Got tickets for my birthday in August. Double-wootness! I was able to visit Egypt in 2006 for a really short week but, of course, King Tut’s things were not there; they were visiting some other country. Needless to say, I am excited.
I ended up doing a little more crochet work than sewing work this weekend but am happy with my progress. My BWOF skirt is still in the same state. I’m thinking that it will be done by the next post because I’m tired of making excuses for it! (I was right about the blogging holding me a little more accountable.) Managed to finish marking my muslin for BWOF 11/08 pants 105 with galloons and also was able to cut and mark BWOF 10/08 top 114. Both require different thread then the black needed for the skirt so I’m telling myself I have to sit at the machine and attach my skirt lining before moving on. lol The baby blanket is really coming along. I hope to have that finished by the end of this week. Baby is due in two – hooray!!
One little wrinkle to the weekend was that my computer decided to start acting up. It's been showing signs of difficulty but I kept putting off the final backup. Now I'm praying that I'll be able to bring it up for a last memory dump before it goes past the point of no return. I don't even want to think about what I haven't yet backed up...Wish me luck!
Rachel S.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Zipper-ific makes me giggle..
Attempted another zipper pouch (for the zipperific experience). I'm ok with it. I'm trying different tutorials. This time I tried the one from Twelve and I'm pretty happy with it. I definitely need practice though!
Side note: DB has had some extra time from work and has done a couple of interesting things so I thought I'd post a pic or two. Ta-DA!! We are just a quick trim (darker blue) away from our newly painted kitchen! It looks so fantastic already!! I could not be happier with the color.
It turns out that it looks great with my bright red tulips so I was inspired to purchase these knobs for the white cabinets and drawers from GoGoGail over at Etsy. (She has some pretty nifty holdbacks for drapes too that I might have to purchase when we get to the bedroom but that's for later).
One of the other projects is a...well, a Lego house. I'm not sure how that sounds. Probably ok if you have kids. We are kid-less but we love Legos nonetheless. lol AND they're a little more fun when you're big. Have you seen some of the hard-to-find ones? Well, DB received one from his mom for Christmas as a sort of nostalgic gift. It was really sweet. The best part was the genuine excitement and the big smile that DB had once he realized that it was a lego kit. He drew it out as long as he could but after a day or two it was together. Here's a few (stop-action) shots. Isn't it cute? It is modeled after a city market building with 3 floors. The market is on the bottom and living quarters are on floors 2 and 3. There's a grill on the roof and gardening tools out back. Oh, and a fire escape! Not sure how we're going to display more if the collection continues but we'll cross that bridge if it comes up. :)
That's all for today. On the list for the rest of the week is to finish the skirt, mark some pants, and cut a blouse. Let me ask (even though only one or two folks check in here - lol)...what do you think of this baby blanket? Too busy or should I just finish it and gift it? It's made with two strands - blue and white with color flecks). I think it's too busy and not pretty but DB thinks I should just complete it (he hates to see me rip).
Ok, have a great week all!
Rachel S.